Wilhemina's War

A Southern grandmother struggles to help her loved ones through the scourge of HIV – but she may be unable to save the one she loves the most.
Non-Profits and Educational Institutions Can Rent or Purchase the Film
Wilhemina Dixon, the Grandmother
Wilhemina has five family members living with HIV
Dayshal Dicks
A typical teenager in a small town, dealing with atypical
growing pains.
Bambi Gaddist (South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council)
This CNN hero wants to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in South Carolina. She places HIV in a historical context.
Bambi Gaddist (2)
It's easier to blame the victim than to deal with the responsibility.
Vivian Clark-Armstead (South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council)
Explains why the end of AIDS would mean Utopia.
Monique Hosendove (Positive Voices)
Monique remembers the day she received her diagnosis.
Dr. Robert Ball
Dr. Ball diagnosed the first case of AIDS in South Carolina. Here, he diagnoses why, 30 years later, AIDS remains a problem for African-Americans.
Dr. Wayne Duffus (Centers for Disease Control; Former Director, SC STD Surveillance)
An "it's not my problem" attitude is leaving black women vulnerable and complicatin the job for public health officials.
Joe Neal (D-Richmond County)
South Carolina is one of 26 states that will not adopt Obamacare. Who’s left out? What happens to them? This state representative from Columbia, SC explains.
World AIDS Day: End AIDS Now 2013
Men living with HIV/AIDS in New York City say it’s important to speak out.